Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Human activity causing climate change

Human activity causing climate change Climate is changing in a horrid way. The change is influenced both by natural reason and human activities. El Nino, the Earth surface temperature increased, acid rains and many phenomenons are damaging the environment. Experts are worried about the rapid changing climate, because the change may fetch people many big disasters. Worldwide people are trying to find the solution and save humanity. This essay will discuss how human activities contribute to climate change, and give some advice how to prevent the Earth. Human activities in causing climate change It is clear that human activities accelerate the climate change. The first part of essay will canvass 2 human activities that effect climate change. Burning fossil fuels The earth surface temperature increasing owe to greenhouse gases, because they carry the short-wave radiation from the Sun to the Earth (NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008). Obviously, more greenhouse gases mean severe climate change. Before showing the reasons of greenhouse gases growth, people need to understand what greenhouse gases are. The reason why people call these gases greenhouse gases is because they work like a glass greenhouse that heats up with the radiation trapped by the glass (NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008). Greenhouse gases are not just one kind of gas, actually it includes water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide (NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008:2). Obviously, because of the high-level greenhouse gases concentration, the temperature became higher than before. However, burning fossil fuels are the arch-criminal of rising greenhouse gases in atmospheric has accelerated. Excessive human emissions also caused 1.4 ÂÂ °F gone up in the past century (Pew Centre on Global Climate Change, 2008b). Burning fossil fuels not only cause greenhouse gases to contribute to climate change, but also sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides contribute to climate change because of their ability to create acid rain. Acid rains which have baneful influences on buildings, trees and animals are also bad for climate (John, S et al. 2006). Overuse of the natural resources Apart from burning fossil fuels, the reason why climate change in such a fast way is overuse of the natural resources. The natural resources on the Earth are limited, no matter non-renewable resources or renewable resources. It seems that the growing population of mankind does not realize the facts; people always exploit more resources than peoples requirement to make sure the trend of growth. Conspicuously, overuse the nature resources becomes one part of causation led to climate change. People knows that many daily supplies made from wood, such as papers, some clothes and furniture, ordered more and more trees felled. As previously mentioned, greenhouse gases are bad for climate, and one of the methods to decrease is more plants. Tress can absorb carbon dioxide, and mitigate the consistency of greenhouse gases. However, the bad news is that the solution is dissatisfying for overusing the natural resources. As a result, deforestation exacerbates the climate. On the other hand, defor estation also conduces to desertification which contributes on climate change. Land degradation can also lead to environmental degradation, poverty, migration and the cycle of conflict, but also often affected countries and regions, political stability risks (UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, 2009). People who live here need to deforest to earn money to make live. Outline further deterioration may be prevented After discussing the human activities, the second part of essay will bring forward 2 solutions that may protect the environment. Government regime As mentioned above, burning fossil fuels is one of the human activities that contribute to climate change. Factories create electricity by burning fossil fuels. To solve the problems, government regime seems to be an indispensable method. Nowadays, there is an effective policy that is accepted in Australia and some European countries, which named cap and trade (Minter-Ellison, 2007). The regime relate to electricity generation, transport, industrial process, forestry, agriculture and waste (Minter-Ellison, 2007). The policy means government will cap the greenhouse gases emissions for every factory or else. For instance, a factory has to pay for the emissions if it emit more greenhouse gases than the cap, also a factory can sale its emissions if it emit less greenhouse gases than the cap. With government regime, people and factories are encouraged to reduce the measure of burning fossil fuels. This is a good example for government to constitute some policies, order emitters prevent en vironment on their own inititiative. Exploit new energy and find how to use the new energy The second solution is to exploit new energy, and find how to use the new energy. Because people is used to manufacture some fuels by wooden, deforestation is hard to avoid. Account for the problem, to exploit new energy is imminent. Actually some new energy like wind and solar power have been found for many years, but for the limit of science, people can not use the new energy well. For example, people have no idea about solar power when it is cloudy. Fortunately, PSEG Global, a company found the method to use wind and store wind. According to their announcement, when wind power beyond the need of consumer, they will store the wind in underground caverns or in tanks. During the peak hours, the stored wind will release and become energy (Davidson, P. 2008). Besides, scientist also exploited some other new energy and found how to use. E-Coal is one kind of new energy which substitutes for coal. E-Coal was called no greenhouse gases emission fuel, because it was made by biomass, though E-Coal liberate carbon dioxide when burning, E-Coal can absorb equal carbon dioxide during their life (Davidson, P. 2008). In conclusion, human activities like burning fossil fuels and overusing the natural resources changed climate a lot. Only nowadays people are aware of the importance of environmental, and start to solve the problems. Government and scientists have been working to find the solution. Everyone lives in the Earth, so everybody has to do their best to protect environment. References Davidson, P. (2008) Energy Innovators: 4 creative solutions to energy problems (abridged). USA Today. Available at: http://news.tnanytime.org/energy/node/1074 John Slaght, Paddy Harben and Anne Pallant (2009) Acid rain in Norway. In: Reading Writing Source Book, UK, Garnet Publishing Minter-Ellison (2007) News alert New Zealand Government outlines its climate change solutions Available at: http://www.minterellison.com/public/connect/Internet/Home/Legal+Insights/Alerts/NA-NZ+Government+outlines+its+climate+change+solutions NSW Department of Primary Industries (2008) What is climate change? Available at: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/research/topics/climate-change/causes Pew Centre on Global Climate Change (2008b) The causes of global climate change. Science Brief, Number 1 Available at: http://www.pewclimate.org/docUploads/global-warming-science-brief-august08.pdf UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. UNCCD Thematic Fact Sheet Series No. 1 Climate change and desertification. Available at: http://www.unccd.int/documents/Desertificationandclimatechange.pdf last accessed 28 October 2009

Monday, January 20, 2020

Iago and Angelo as the Hypocrites of Shakespeares Othello Essay examp

Few plot elements inspire such an emotional reaction in readers as does hypocrisy. Not only do readers feel genuine anger at the actions of the hypocritical character, but they also feel deep sympathy for the Hester Prynnes of the stories they read. This tandem of anger and sympathy is a powerful tool for an author to use to draw readers into his or her tale, because creating an emotional response in one’s audience is the best way to make them identify with the story. The response of the readers to these situations is a fascinating one. Perhaps the reader remembers a time when s/he was the victim of a two-faced action. Perhaps stories about hypocrisy evoke a sense of moral outrage or awaken a sense of justice in the reader. Perhaps the reader is simply fascinated with having a secret that s/he is unable to tell. For whatever reason, authors have carefully woven threads of hypocrisy into the fabric of their stories since the very dawn of literature. Some of the best examples o f this skill (as indeed of many others) come from the writings of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s astute observations of human nature coupled with his amazing word craftsmanship have created some of the most memorable hypocrite characters in all of literature. From the twisted, jealous, hatred of Iago in Othello to the lusty self-righteousness of Angelo in Measure for Measure, we can glean a sense of Shakespeare’s masterful manipulation of hypocrisy to create a tempting tale. Iago and Angelo are true hypocrites. In Othello, we are first introduced to Iago, a military officer under the command of the Othello, a well-respected Moorish captain. Iago’s hatred for Othello is revealed in the very first lines of the play, when it is revealed that he has been... ...haracters who exhibit hypocrisy. Whether it is anger at the hypocrite or empathy for the victim, a good author or playwright can capitalize on this tendency but constructing a plot with a few hypocritical timbers. Shakespeare was a master at such structures, introducing two of them in Othello and Measure for Measure. Iago and Angelo are both men of relatively high rank whose own hypocrisies lead to their downfalls. Iago’s hypocrisy permeates every facet of his character, including loyalty, friendships, and marital relations. Angelo, meanwhile, falls victim to his desires and commits one major hypocritical action, exhibiting both lust and lawlessness. The fact that these two plays are driven by these hypocritical actions is a testament to the ability of hypocrisy to promote a response in an audience, and a testament to the Bard’s incomparable playwriting skills. Â   Iago and Angelo as the Hypocrites of Shakespeare's Othello Essay examp Few plot elements inspire such an emotional reaction in readers as does hypocrisy. Not only do readers feel genuine anger at the actions of the hypocritical character, but they also feel deep sympathy for the Hester Prynnes of the stories they read. This tandem of anger and sympathy is a powerful tool for an author to use to draw readers into his or her tale, because creating an emotional response in one’s audience is the best way to make them identify with the story. The response of the readers to these situations is a fascinating one. Perhaps the reader remembers a time when s/he was the victim of a two-faced action. Perhaps stories about hypocrisy evoke a sense of moral outrage or awaken a sense of justice in the reader. Perhaps the reader is simply fascinated with having a secret that s/he is unable to tell. For whatever reason, authors have carefully woven threads of hypocrisy into the fabric of their stories since the very dawn of literature. Some of the best examples o f this skill (as indeed of many others) come from the writings of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s astute observations of human nature coupled with his amazing word craftsmanship have created some of the most memorable hypocrite characters in all of literature. From the twisted, jealous, hatred of Iago in Othello to the lusty self-righteousness of Angelo in Measure for Measure, we can glean a sense of Shakespeare’s masterful manipulation of hypocrisy to create a tempting tale. Iago and Angelo are true hypocrites. In Othello, we are first introduced to Iago, a military officer under the command of the Othello, a well-respected Moorish captain. Iago’s hatred for Othello is revealed in the very first lines of the play, when it is revealed that he has been... ...haracters who exhibit hypocrisy. Whether it is anger at the hypocrite or empathy for the victim, a good author or playwright can capitalize on this tendency but constructing a plot with a few hypocritical timbers. Shakespeare was a master at such structures, introducing two of them in Othello and Measure for Measure. Iago and Angelo are both men of relatively high rank whose own hypocrisies lead to their downfalls. Iago’s hypocrisy permeates every facet of his character, including loyalty, friendships, and marital relations. Angelo, meanwhile, falls victim to his desires and commits one major hypocritical action, exhibiting both lust and lawlessness. The fact that these two plays are driven by these hypocritical actions is a testament to the ability of hypocrisy to promote a response in an audience, and a testament to the Bard’s incomparable playwriting skills. Â  

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Critique of Ada and Affirmative Action Paper

Critique of ADA and Affirmative Action Paper The population of the Unites States of America consists of a variety people. Many races, cultures, and beliefs exist in the country. Individuals also vary upon characteristics, genetics, mental capabilities, and social status. The Unites States of America is known as the â€Å"land of the opportunity† (Home of Heroes, 2011) across the world. Individuals travel near and far to join the country. Over the years, many individuals have come to the country. They have established families and became citizens. Other cultures, and even other characteristics, haven’t always been welcome. In the past years, individuals, organizations, educators, and government have discriminated against these minority groups. Minority groups ranked at the bottom when being considered for a job or school. Minority groups were not treated the same as the average population in many organizations and society. Two acts have been imposed to stop the discrimination of these minorities. The imposed acts are known as Affirmative Action and the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). This paper defines both imposed acts, past to present. Affirmative Action The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines Affirmative Action as â€Å"positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded. When those steps involve preferential selection—selection on the basis of race, gender, or ethnicity—affirmative action generates intense controversy. † (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2001) The history Affirmative Action has a long history. It was first used in the 1960’s in the Civil Rights Act. In 1965 the President ordered Affirmative Action to be applied to federal contractors (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2001). Imposing Affirmative Action resulted in organization creating quotas. Quotas are known as a â€Å"plan† to allow a specific amount of individuals per minority to be hired or utilized. Due to these quotas, Affirmative Action wasn’t working as expected. It was later determined, quotas are not applicable and defeat the purpose of Affirmative Action. The purpose Affirmative Action has a main purpose to create fairness between minorities and the larger populations. Affirmative Action mandates organizations, schools, and government to consider minority individuals without bias to minority. Minority individuals must receive the same treatment and opportunity as any other individual, who is not in a minority population. Controversy As with many other acts and laws, controversy follows Affirmative Action. Despite the purpose of Affirmative Action, individuals often argue the contents of the action are unconstitutional. Some organization set plans for Affirmative Action and controversy often follows. Many organizations still manage to have quotas, which cause controversy. Controversy seems to be unlimited when concerning Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action may need to be strict to stop controversy, if possible. American Disability Act â€Å"Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits private employers, state and local governments, employment agencies and labor unions from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. (U. S. Equal Opportunity Commission, 2008) â€Å"The ADA covers employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations. The ADA’s nondiscrimination standards also apply to federal sector employees under section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended, and its implementing rules. † (U. S. Equal Opportunity Commission, 2008) ADA defines disabilities The Americans with Disabilities Act defines an disabled individual in by three factors. These factors include: * Mental or physical impairment which hinders an individuals’ ability to perform one or more â€Å"major life activities† (U. S. Equal Opportunity Commission, 2008) * Has been diagnosed as having the impairment described * Has been regarded as having the impairment described Organization requirements The Americans with Disability Act requires organizations to follow specific guidelines to be compliant with ADA. Besides, giving disabled individuals equal opportunity to employment and education, the organizations must be functional for disabled. The organizations facility must be accessible. Schedules and work tools may need to be modified to fit disabled individuals. â€Å"An employer is required to make a reasonable accommodation to the known disability of a qualified applicant or employee if it would not impose anâ€Å"undue hardship† on the operation of the employer’s business. Reasonable accommodations are adjustments or modifications provided by an employer to enable people with disabilities to enjoy equal employment opportunities. Accommodations vary depending upon the needs of the individual applicant or employee. † (U. S. Equal Opportunity Commission, 2008) Conclusion United States of America consist of many diverse individuals. Many of these individuals are included in minority groups. Minority groups have been treated poorly in the past. Although mistreatment of minority individual still occurs, specific acts imposed by the government have decreased the statistics. Affirmative Action was imposed to create fair and equal opportunity to minority groups. Affirmative Action includes government and educators. Americans with Disability Acts (ADA) is another act to assist a specific minority, disabled. The ADA creates an equal opportunity for disabled individuals in the areas of work and education. This act covers hiring processes and reasonable accommodations. As the United States population grows, so do minority groups. The government has implemented these acts to give fairness to the growing minorities. The country values equal employee opportunity. References Home of Heroes. (2009-2011). Land of Opportunity. Retrieved from http://www. homeofheroes. com/hallofheroes/2nd_floor/opportunity/index. html Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2001, December 28). Affirmative Action. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/affirmative-action/ U. S. Equal Opportunity Commission. (2008, September 9). Facts About the Americans with Disability Act. Retrieved from http://www. eeoc. gov/facts/fs-ada. html

Friday, January 3, 2020

Video Games At Columbine High School - 1397 Words

On April 20, 1999, the lives of the students at Columbine High School were forever changed. Two senior students planned a complex attack on the school involving a fire bomb to distract firefighters, bombs converted from propane tanks in the cafeteria, bombs rigged in cars, and multiple guns. That morning, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered 12 students and one teacher. Twenty-one others were injured before the two committed suicide. Are violent video games to blame for this devastating event? The subject has been a source of controversy both within and outside the scientific community. (INSERT CLEAR FOCUSED HYPOTHESIS HERE) Content analyses show that 89% of video games have some violent content. Half of the video games on the market have extreme violent actions toward other characters. Games, today, are allowing players to not only connect with the game physically, but also emotionally and psychologically. In essence, the player becomes the character. According to Nielson Media Re search, at least 45 million households in the United States have at least one video game console (Markey Charlotte, 2010). The average age of video game players has increased to age 34, and 60% of Americans play interactive games on a regular basis. However, researchers believe that younger children are more susceptible to the negative effects of playing violent video games compared to older teenagers and adults. Furthermore, games that include violence have raised serious concerns amongShow MoreRelated Violent Video Games did Not Cause the Columbine High School Shooting1634 Words   |  7 Pagesthe killers in the Columbine High School shooting, was called a â€Å"die-hard gamer who loved the interactive bloodbath called DOOM† (Anton 2). Doom was thought to be one of the factors in Eric Harris’ violent tragedy. The question is: did playing Doom lead to him being a violent child, or did being a violent child lead him to playing Doom? Proceeding my perusal of articles and research, written by authors with scientific credentials or otherwise, I have concluded that video games are no more to blameRead More Violent media Images and video games results in violent behavior890 Words   |  4 Pages Violent Media Images and Video Games Results In Violent Behavior Can violent media images and video games result in violent behavior? The answer is yes. For a few decades now hundreds of researchers have take time to research the relationship of media images and video games to violent behavior in children. In the next few paragraphs I will discuss why media images and video games result in violent behavior in children. This paper will also provide some important factors that adults shouldRead MoreNineteen Minutes: Fiction Imitating Reality Essay880 Words   |  4 Pageswrenching, and cuts into the ‘grays’ of school shootings, it is anything but original. Lead character, Peter Houghton, is an almost perfect profile replication of 1999’s Columbine shooters, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. A simple personaltiy analysis will reveal that both Peter and Columbine Shooters suffer from parental neglect, the violent virtual world, ruthless peers, as well as easy access to weapons. One of the most obvious characteristic of a school shooter would be parental neglect. ThisRead MoreThe Columbine Influence: How a School Shooting Affected a Nation1494 Words   |  6 PagesThe Columbine massacre was one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history. On April 20, 1999, high school seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed 12 students, one teacher, and themselves. Twenty-five students were also injured, some very critically. While there had been many school shootings in America prior to this, the young age of the shooters, the number of victims, and the randomness of the people they killed shocked the nation. It has been 14 years since this tragedy andRead MoreThe Columbine High School Shooting1529 Words   |  7 Pagesthese events, the Columbine High School shooting comes to many as one that completely morphed America s culture and sense of security. The assault was carried out by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, students of the school and close friend s. They had nourished the idea, feeding it hours of attention and deep consideration. Then, they went forward with it on April 20, 1999. The boys took the event seriously, setting up decoy bombs and then positioning their vehicles in the school parking lot with anRead MoreOn April 20, 1999, Two Teens Went On A Shooting Spree At880 Words   |  4 PagesOn April 20, 1999, two teens went on a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. The crime was the worst high school shooting in U.S. history and prompted a national debate on gun control and school safety, as well as a major investigation to determine what motivated the gunmen, Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17. There was speculation that the two committedRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control889 Words   |  4 PagesSchool violence is becoming a worldwide issue, but is a particular problem wit hin the United States. Violence can occur in many ways such as; bullying, school gangs, physical attacks, and fatalities involved with guns. School shootings have been on the rise over the past several years. To bring awareness to school violence, teachers, staff, and parents need to be further trained in noticing warning signs of depression and anger issues which may lead to bullying and disrespectful learning environmentsRead MoreThe Columbine High School Massacre890 Words   |  4 PagesIn later years, the Columbine High School Massacre reflected tales of adolescents captured by darkness where they took part in an evangelical youth movement (Pike 647). This movement caused an uproar in legislation involving church and state (Pike 647). The massacre also effected public school dress codes and behavior policies, and most importantly, shaped Americans’ reasoning about teens deviance and normality (Pike 647). September 2006, six years later, Dawson College in Montreal had an incidentRead MoreEssay on The Effects Of Columbine1169 Words   |  5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The 20th of April was the anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. The shooting deaths of 12 students and 1 teacher—and the two suicides of the teenage executioners and left many others psychologically and physically damaged. Who’s to blame? , On the issue of blame, of this massacre it is not music, or video games, and not even movies, it’s the shooters because everybody is responsible own actions. However, the parents could haveRead MoreEssay on The Negative Effects of Violent Video Games1529 Words   |  7 Pagessociety has experienced many tragic school shootings in which teens have committed heinous crimes for no apparent reason. The question has become who is to blame or what inspired these attacks on these innocent victims? This question has become an epidemic in our country. We live in a violent world and young people have easy access to it whether its on television, in music or on the Internet. But with the explosion of media entertainment in recent years, video games have come under scrutiny as to whether